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our Tools and ideas:
from social pioneerS,
TO social pioneerS.

10 Trendsetters: Pioneers of Social Change
There are millions of pioneers of social change—people who are aiming to find creative and ethical ways to change the world.
Joachim Schwarz
2 min read

Seven Cultures: which one is yours?
The Culture Deck is based on the work of Beck and Cohen (1986) on Spiral Dynamics, a model of the evolutionary development.
Joachim Schwarz
2 min read

Flowers and Wishes
Flowers and Wishes: A team exercise to solve problems in a transparent, open and respectful way.
2 min read

Power to Community Leaders: Building Empowered Communities for Social Change
In 2019 CSA co-created the Community Leadership Programme - Power to Community Leaders together with the partners CYSD, PRADAN, and SSK thro
Richa Kumari
3 min read

Coaching: Getting into alignment
Remember a time when things felt easy, when you were either at peace with yourself and the world, or you felt energized just following throu
Stefan Bannach
5 min read

Creating awareness, facilitating learning and results
Imagine you are led through a coaching session, according to your needs and your terms, structured in a way that it leads you organically to
Stefan Bannach
6 min read

Books for your daily inspiration (Part 1)
One of the key habits of successful people and leaders is, to no surprise, reading. Check out this list of selected books and ideas.
Trang Nguyen
3 min read

Connecting through listening: giving empathy and creating coaching presence
Have you ever felt that you have been completely accepted and understood? Do you know that connection between two or more human beings, who
Stefan Bannach
4 min read

What is coaching and why do we need it
Do you know how it feels when you make an action plan that you never follow? Do you tend to supervise people that are specialists in an...
Stefan Bannach
4 min read

Are you a development enthusiast?
Where are you in your life and career? Use this simple tool to find out! Recently, I participated in a coaching training and was asked to...
Joachim Schwarz
4 min read

Leadership Forum 2019 - Presenting the Key Insights
“Pioneers of Change – It starts with us” is the motto that shaped the recent 3-day Leadership Forum in Bangalore, India. It was the very...
2 min read

Happiness and Fulfillment at Work: An illusion or a human right?
“The most exciting breakthroughs of the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of wh
Prof. Dr. Petra Speier-Werner
10 min read

In dialogue with Stefan Bannach on conflict management and communication skills
After our recent Leadership and Management Series in New Delhi, the Civil Society Academy sat down with Stefan Bannach to talk about his...
Trang Nguyen
4 min read

In dialogue with John Peter Nelson on leadership
Last Friday, the Civil Society Academy team met with Mr. Nelson at his office in New Delhi in order to talk about the impact of good leaders
Trang Nguyen
3 min read

You need a place where you can write about your cause and tell other pioneers about your challenges and how you solve them? You have ideas on how to reach social justice more effectivley and sustainably? Write us a message about your idea and have your article published on our page to inspire others to act.
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