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our Tools and ideas:
from social pioneerS,
TO social pioneerS.

An Introduction to Social Accountability: Why is it important and how can we improve it?
Social accountability refers to the extent and capacity of citizens to hold the state and service providers accountable and make them...
Joachim Schwarz
5 min read

Think, feel, and act rights-based
Frankly, it took me decades to embrace a rights-based approach. And when I first heard about the approach back in 2003, I thought: “Really?
Joachim Schwarz
6 min read

The Service Assessment Diamond: A simple visual framework for analysis
The service assessment diamond is a simple framework to assess and monitor public services and schemes such as health services, education...
Joachim Schwarz
5 min read

Outcome Mapping: An actor-based planning and monitoring tool for Social Accountability and Advocacy
Outcome mapping is a participatory planning, monitoring, and evaluation method that focuses on behavior change as the most useful result...
Tereza Kaplan
6 min read

Outcome Harvesting: A monitoring & evaluation method for Social Accountability and Advocacy
Outcome harvesting is a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) method that allows us to retrospectively determine changes achieved and the project’
Tereza Kaplan
10 min read

The Advocacy Canvas - An analysis and planning overview for advocacy campaigns
Log-frame, theory of change, impact chain, business plan, or business model canvas: for projects or businesses a series of standard tools...
Joachim Schwarz
6 min read

Advocacy Planning: Developing and prioritizing advocacy issues
What is an advocacy issue? An advocacy issue is a problem or need that is closely connected to policy or the implementation or enforcement.
Retta Menberu
5 min read

35 Strategy Options for Your Advocacy Campaign: Get inspired by IMPACT CARDS
Our subset of 35 cards is part of the IMPACT CARDS, a combination game and social change methodology to explore a 100,000 ways to change...
Joachim Schwarz
3 min read

Going to Court: Legal Advocacy
For nearly every social movement, law is an indispensable tool for advocates. It may include legal advice, legal rights booklets for citizen
Sohini Paul
5 min read

Advocacy Strategies: Charismatic leaders and influencers
Charismatic leaders are driven by their conviction and commitment to their cause and have a clear vision. They are usually very thoughtful..
Sohini Paul
3 min read

Advocacy Strategies: Media and online campaigning
Media advocacy and digital advocacy including online campaigning is the strategic use of mass media and digital technology to advance...
Sohini Paul
9 min read

Are you an Advocate?
Reflect on some of the great leaders and yourself. There is no question that all the great advocates of our time have charisma and passion.
Joachim Schwarz
2 min read

Experience of applying Community Score Card in Jharkand, India
This video shows how a community score card was used to improve services within the government’s public scheme on child care in Manika and..
1 min read

The Right to Information: A critical legislation to foster social accountability
To understand the importance of the right to information (RTI), we must recognize that information does not belong to the state, government,
Sohini Paul
8 min read

Community Score Cards - a powerful tool to improve public services
The Community Score Card (CSC) process is a powerful tool to monitor services, empower citizens, and improve the accountability of service..
Julia Escher
10 min read

Facility Audit: Create quick evidence to improve the availability and quality of public services
The facility audit is a tool to improve the overall quality and utilization of public service facilities and infrastructures. It ensures...
Sasmita Jena
6 min read

Social Audits: When People Verify State Actions
A social audit is a powerful accountability tool to understand, measure, verify, report on, and improve a government’s implementation of...
Jeannette Weller
10 min read

Public Hearing: A peoples’ court holds government accountable
Public hearing is a process whereby people interact directly with government officials regarding development works and implementation of...
Sohini Paul
8 min read

A Framework for Analysis: Is the Right to Food realised in my country?
This article offers a simple to use 6-step analysis of the right to food in a specific country, which has been developed to be applied in...
Andrea Sonntag
9 min read

Citizen Report Card - A powerful social audit tool
A Citizen Report Card or CRC is a participatory social audit tool based on user feedback on public service delivery. CRC is a tool that enga
Arvind Lakshmisha
7 min read

Important tools for social accountability and policy advocacy
How can civil society actors improve the implementation of existing programmes on community level? And how can we effectively advocate...
Joachim Schwarz
5 min read

You need a place where you can write about your cause and tell other pioneers about your challenges and how you solve them? You have ideas on how to reach social justice more effectivley and sustainably? Write us a message about your idea and have your article published on our page to inspire others to act.
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