Do you want to plan and execute an advocacy campaign that is based on a thorough analysis and brings about real changes in terms of policies or policy implementation?
Then you are at the right place. We offer you a tested approach to prioritising advocacy issues for your sector, planning an advocacy campaign and to reviewing and adapting your strategies as you go along. In the process, we will build your capacities in key strategies, such as lobbying, media work, or building sustainable networks.
We have a complete toolbox for developing a context analysis, that includes stakeholder mapping, the policy framework, and its implementation as well as entry points to influence policy making & budgeting
For agile and collective advocacy planning, we have developed the advocacy canvas, which will provide a coherent roadmap for your campaign.
We use the impact cards as a tool to prioritise and collectively develop advocacy strategies
We use the dialogic change model of the collective leadership institute for network development and multi-actor processes.
We developed multiple tools for self-reflection and improving specific advocacy skills for instance lobbying, public speaking, or developing communication materials.
Our concepts have been applied in multiple sectors and countries. We work for instance on:
Advancing disability rights in South Asia and Africa
Progressing on the localization of humanitarian action in eight countries
Women's Economic Empowerment with a large network of Civil Society Partners in Ethiopia
Multi-actor processes on agriculture investment and land rights in four African countries
Advancing Renewable Energy in Nigeria
Right to Food coalition in three African countries and in Jharkhand, India
Improving Pharmacy Services in Tanzania.
Country Advocacy Strategies for Welthungerhilfe
Joachim Schwarz
Topics: Leadership, Social Innovation, Advocacy,
Multi-Actor Partnerships, Coaching
Joachim is passionate about social justice and is on a mission to support like-minded civil society actors and social entrepreneurs to become more powerful and innovative. Hence, in 2014 he left his NGO career to build the Civil Society Academy. He is an outstanding facilitator and coach with expertise in social innovation, leadership, organisational change, and advocacy. After more than 20 years in Africa and Asia, he is now based in Berlin.

Jonathan Tusubira
Topics: Advocacy, Human Rights-based Approach,
Jonathan is an award-winning Innovator, Civic Journalist, Trainer and consultant in the areas of Human Rights, Media Development, Media Literacy and Good Governance in Africa. Over the last 15 years of his career, he has consulted for the Ford Foundation/Uganda Land Alliance, Disability Rights Fund, DW (Deutsche Welle) Akademie, and Boehm Gladen Foundation, among others. One of Jonathan’s social innovations aims at creating more spaces for diverse voices in the media and gives leaders an opportunity to listen to their citizens, and generally make better decisions. He believes that a community without a voice breeds disorder, suspicion, and a lack of public trust.

Leonore Gruenberg
Topics: Land Governance, Advocacy, Human rights based Approach
Leonore has been engaged in international development for over 14 years. From microfinance to the energy transition, land governance and human rights-based advocacy, her professional range spans widely but always turns around one central feature: capacity development. Whether in Mozambique, Madagascar, India or Ethiopia – Leonore is everywhere at home and comfortable in more than 5 languages. An excellent, highly-engaging facilitator, she joined CSA in early 2022 and is currently leading strategic planning workshops in both anglophone and francophone countries, developing training materials and coaching fresh facilitation potentials. Leonore holds a MA in International Economics and has previously worked for GIZ, GOPA and PlanetFinance.
Retta Menberu
Topics: Leadership, Advocacy, Human Rights Based Approach
Retta Menberu Woldetsadik (M.D., MSc) stands up for civil society-state dynamics, good governance, advocacy, and a rights-based approach to development. Since 2018 he has been part of CSA, built up, and leads the Africa office to advocate for change and empower the youth. After working more than two decades in development and health leadership, as a trainer, researcher, and consultant in clinical medicine and public health, Retta developed himself to a broader development leadership and facilitation role by operating as Country Director for ActionAid International, and as regional Strategy Adviser for Rush Foundation. Additionally to his work with CSA, he works as a coordinator, researcher, adviser, and facilitator of international development and humanitarian organizations, alliances, and multi-actor partnerships in diverse contexts across Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Sohini paul
Topics: Leadership, Social Accountability, Advocacy,
Human Rights-Based Approach, Coaching
As a facilitator and coach of Civil Society Academy, she has focused on providing trainings and workshops on leadership and team management in several countries across Asia and Africa. She also facilitates trainings on advocacy and human rights-based approach. Sohini has a Social Science background with master’s degrees in Geography and Regional Planning. She is a certified Life and Leadership Coach. She has more than two decades of experience in the development sector, during which time she supported the work of numerous social change organizations, working on issues of local self-governance, right to information and land rights. She has worked on capacity building of civil society organizations, from grassroots community groups to large networks. Sohini is passionate about civil society strengthening and holds space for those who are ready to learn and be happy - this is reflected in her facilitation style.