Advocacy is all about influencing decision-makers, identifying issues on behalf of the disadvantaged, and providing solutions to these problems. It helps civil society make essential advancements to create a lasting positive change. Advocacy is crucial to have everyone's voice heard to develop the right solutions on the path to social justice. Social Accountability is an approach towards building accountability that relies on civic engagement and actions initiated by ordinary citizens and citizen groups in holding public officials and service providers accountable.
In this training, you will learn how advocacy and social accountability function within a rights based framework as tools for creating change. You will learn how to develop an advocacy strategy from the ground up, mobilize partnerships for advocacy, and manage the different aspects of the advocacy process using the advocacy canvas as a tool. You will also learn about social accountability tools and how to use them to assess quality of governance and make the case for change as well as what constitutes an enabling environment for social accountability.
time for self-reflection
training on
four days
24 hours
of training
ends with
expert facilitator
We use a variety of participatory tools and methodologies such as:
Reflections in break-out groups
Case Studies
Good Governance and the Governance Triangle
Power Walk to Map Experience and Competencies in Advocacy
Conducting Collaborative Context Analysis Using a Simple Template
Generation of Insights and Prioritization of Advocacy Issues
The Advocacy Canvas and Essential Elements of the Advocacy Strategy
The Service Assessment Diamond
Tools for Social Accountability
Roadmap to operationalize Advocacy and Social Accountability
After the training you will be able to
Develop an effective advocacy strategy that will take your initiative to the next level.
Build partnerships to achieve your advocacy goal
Exercise improved communication and networking skills
This course is designed for leaders and staff of civil society organizations with intentions to enhance citizen engagement, improve governance and thus build a robust social fabric
Training Fee
International NGOs and Affiliated
EUR 700 p.P*
National NGOs from Nepal and Ethiopia
EUR 350 p.P*
* MODE OF PAYMENT: Pay online or through direct bank transfer | DISCOUNTS: 10% off for groups of 3 or more, 20% off for Early Bird registration | Read: Terms & Conditions
This Training includes
24 hours of training, split into four days into sixteen sessions | A package with all the training material | Impact Training Advocacy | Lunch, drinks and snacks.
Your Facilitator
Retta Menberu
Retta Menberu Woldetsadik (M.D., MSc) stands up for civil society-state dynamics, good governance, advocacy, and a rights-based approach to development. Since 2018 he has been part of CSA, built up, and leads the Africa office to advocate for change and empower the youth. After working more than two decades in development and health leadership, as a trainer, researcher, and consultant in clinical medicine and public health, Retta developed himself to a broader development leadership and facilitation role by operating as Country Director for ActionAid International, and as regional Strategy Adviser for Rush Foundation. Additionally to his work with CSA, he works as a coordinator, researcher, adviser, and facilitator of international development and humanitarian organizations, alliances, and multi-actor partnerships in diverse contexts across Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Upcoming Training

Ashmita Pandey, Programme Officer,
“Before this course, I was unfamiliar with advocacy and rights-based approaches as I mainly work on agricultural issues. I was also unaware of my own country Nepal's laws, regulations, legal systems, governance, etc. Now I realize the importance of advocacy and its approaches and will definitely take it up in my organization.”

Rozina Sultana (former) Programme Coordinator,
“This course has inspired me to come up with new innovative ideas for my project which has a strong focus on advocacy.”